Essentail Oils....what's all the fuss?
Late last year a friend of mine came to visit from the US. She had briefly spoken of bringing with her some oils she wanted to show me. Intrigued, I listened with some skepticism (as a traditionally trained nurse who relied heavily on medications for headaches, and most other ailments for that matter!) as she spoke of the various uses and benefits her and others have seen from using doTERRA essential oils. I'm not sure why it was such a foreign concept to me because if I think back to my own childhood, we would often use tea tree oil derived remedies at home, Arnica products for basic first aid and 'Rescue Remedy' for moments of anxiety, all of which rely on plant based essential oils!
After being left with a few samples, the matter slipped my mind as the samples became lost in the bathroom draw. Later this year however, a few other individuals in my life and some more on social media, caught my attention talking about their own experiences with essential oils and this time I began to take note.
My experience
I got out my little samples and began to use them. I found that I LOVED them. I loved having a natural alternative for things I'd previously have popped a pill for. The clincher came when I fell ill with an awful head cold (thanks to the many sick children I nursed over the winter months!) which I'd usually just take a decongestant for, however being pregnant I couldn't take any medication!
I got out my diffuser and Easy Air essential oil (a blend by DoTERRA) and within minutes I felt more relaxed and my sinuses were clearing. Ah the relief! I was asleep in no time.
I took the plunge and signed up to a wholesale account (where you get 25% off retail prices and many other amazing benefits) and got my oils the next week and started experimenting more and more. I made skin care serums (using carrier oils, Frankinsense, Geranium, Ylang ylang and Lavender), I made kitchen sprays (using On Guard and water), I used them for hubby's aches in his back and knee (Ice Blue blend) and I even baked with them (my favourites are Lime, Lemon, Wild Orange and Peppermint). The uses are endless and the more I research, the more I desire to find further natural remedies to care for my baby once she arrives and make our home environment less toxic.
So what exactly are essential oils anyway?
Essential oils are naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds that are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, and flowers of plants. Essential oils are what give plants their distinctive smells, they protect and play a role in pollination. In addition to their benefits to the plants themselves, and their beautiful fragrance, essential oils have a long history of use when it comes to healing the human body (doTERRA, 2017). Intriguing right?
Why I chose doTERRA essential oils over other brands
1) doTERRA are the only essential oils that are proven to be Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils (CPTG oils). This means they're free from fillers and artificial ingredients, don't contain any contaminants, pesticides, or chemical residues, and are rigorously tested for standards of chemical composition (each bottle even has a specific tracking number). They are cross tested using mass spectrometry and gas chromatography (fancy!) to ensure exact purity and composition potency. They're also sourced by a global network of leading essential oil chemists and growers to ensure correct species, growth in ideal environments, and that raw plant materials were carefully harvested at the right time (doTERRA, 2017)
2) As you probably know, my husband and I have a huge heart for mission and aid work in the developing world, so hearing about doTERRA's Co-Impact Sourcing really impressed me. Co-Impact Sourcing is an initiative that seeks to develop long-term, mutually beneficial supplier partnerships while creating sustainable jobs and providing reliable income in underdeveloped areas. doTERRA is committed to the ethical treatment of its suppliers by providing on-time payments at fair prices. doTERRA are not all about the bottom line. They are about providing the best quality, and obtaining the best expert knowledge from those who have been in the business for many, many years. That is – the local farmers!
3) Once I read about doTERRA's Healing Hands Foundation, an amazing charity organisation, it was the final push I needed to sign up as a Wellness Advocate. They have numerous amazing initiatives including 'Days for Girls' (which you can read more about HERE) and Operation Underground Railroad (watch video HERE), both of which completely captured my heart. Any organisation seeking to put resources behind such things as rescuing young girls from sex trafficking, is one I can fully align myself with.
So if you too are interested in learning more about essential oils feel free to email me your questions at nicky@lunchboxinc.co.nz. If you're ready to purchase some oils and begin exploring for yourself, come join my oily tribe as a Wellness Advocate here.
You'll get all these awesome benefits by signing up through me:
- access to wholesale pricing (25% discount)
- No monthly order required (unless you join dōTerra’s Loyalty Rewards Program)
- Option to receive 10-30% of your total purchase back in FREE product points
- Eligibility to receive dōTERRA’s FREE Product of the Month
- Ongoing one on one support, including a free 20 minute Skype wellness consult to help get you set up with an account and to select the right oils for you.
- A free consult once your oils have arrived to make sure you know how to use them and get the best out of them.
- Access to a private oils Facebook group where you can ask any and all questions, share your experiences, and be supported by many other wonderful people on their oily journey!
What have you got to lose?
DoTERRA (2017). What is an essential oil. Retrieved from, https://www.doterra.com/US/en/what-is-an-essential-oil